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Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Mar 18, 2022 | Daily Trek, Unlearn

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys - Radical Trekking - Ayelet Baron

When Life Feels Like A Circus, Maybe We Have Too Many Clowns Around Us?

Many of us learned from an early age to seek validation externally and it usually requires constant feeding. Would life look different when we no longer need to be validated unless we were a parking ticket at a circus?

When we value ourselves, our relationships become healthier because our expectations change. As we become increasingly aware of our contribution in the world—why we are here—we begin to focus more on creation than the judgement of others.

Some days we have to move on from the comfort of what we know. Not my circus, not my monkeys is an old Polish proverb that lives on. Who really wants to consciously get dragged into someone’s drama and issues? When life feels like a circus, maybe we have too many clowns around us?

And there are choices we can make:

  • Engage or walk away from dramas
  • Hang on to the need to be validated by others or discover the wonder and empathy within
  • Walk our talk
  • Listen to what is truly calling us
  • Explore what it means to be interdependent and part of a healthy community

There is Another Way and It Doesn’t Include A Circus

What many of us are craving right now is to be around grounded people who want to explore possibilities. So the questions become:

  • When do you feel most comfortable with people?
  • Who brings out the best in you?
  • What are your opportunities to explore your true nature with curiosity?

Despite the headlines, the healthy world that is emerging is not about trans-humanism, becoming cyborgs or avatars. It’s an opportunity to access deep emotions from sorrow to grief and lightness to joy. Many of us are feeling a bit lost these days. And it’s easy to be distracted by Web 3.0, NFTs, DAOs, and conflicts because they are vying for our attention.

But what gives you a true sense of fulfillment at the end of the day? How can you free yourself from the expectations and circus acts that are not part of your path?

Are you making the space you need to sit with your questions and draw outside the lines?

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