Conscious Communication

Conscious Leadership

Daily Trek

F*ck the Bucket List




Tales from the Trek

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Ancient Liberation; Today

Ancient Liberation; Today

Ancient liberation stories resonate today, reminding us that the pursuit of freedom is an ongoing struggle. The stories also offer some hope that remains within our grasp. Yet, it seems many of us have forgotten how to create space for coexistence. Despite frequent...

Our Time is Sacred

Our Time is Sacred

Our time is sacred, and we get to experience every moment. Because we can't buy time. We often hear people say, how long is that post? And when asked, why does it matter? The answer is usually about our shortening attention span. But guess what? No having time or...

Beyond Being Average

Beyond Being Average

Being average makes us complacent, urging us to cling to the familiar, safe, and easy to maintain. Yet, it's a trap that stops us from unlocking our full potential. We find it hard to support anyone not open and self-aware. We might address superficial issues, but the...

Reuse as the New Sharing

Reuse as the New Sharing

Reuse is a matter of give and taking that is becoming a new way of sharing, which not only impacts our environment, but builds trusted community exchanges. Every morning, a lively scene unfolds in Aarhus, Denmark. People come to share and find items, from furniture to...

Playfulness Shapes Us

Playfulness Shapes Us

Playfulness shapes our lives by challenging the notion that growing up means leaving behind the joy and creativity of play. This transition often comes with a message: to put aside play, embrace responsibility, and focus on being a provider and worker. Yet, this...

Sleep Tourism: A Question of Restful Bliss?

Sleep Tourism: A Question of Restful Bliss?

The hospitality industry is ushering in an era of sleep tourism, transforming our nights away from home into opportunities for deep, restorative rest. Is sleep worth $1,780 a night? Who can really spend $500 a night to sleep and cocoon? And then there are the special...

Charting a Healthy Path: Beyond GPS to Holistic Wellbeing

Charting a Healthy Path: Beyond GPS to Holistic Wellbeing

Charting a healthy path means focusing on our holistic health and understanding how connected everything is. We live in a time where self-reliance and optimizing our primary technology, our bodies, is crucial. We often overlook the power of living fully within our...

It Doesn’t Matter

It Doesn’t Matter

It Doesn't Matter The healthy news stands clear: "It doesn't matter." If someone doesn't like you, or doesn't see you in the light you wish to be seen, it truly doesn't matter. Paulo Coelho's shines a light, "Bad news: you can't make people love or be nice to you....

Beyond Overwhelm, There is Possibility

Beyond Overwhelm, There is Possibility

Beyond Overwhelm, There is Possibility We call this the knowledge era but what we have created is overwhelm and burnout. And yet, natural intelligence is everywhere. “I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll...

Beyond Our Dopamine Culture

Beyond Our Dopamine Culture

Our fast-paced world ensnares us in dopamine culture, where instant gratification overshadows everything. Likes, achievements, and endless scrolling subtly make us crave quick fixes, not meaningful bonds. This dopamine culture values short-term gratification at the...

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