Transformation is A Journey
There is so much talk about transformation. But it’s not that people always resist change, as we have been told. It’s that we may be so deep into a process or relationship sometimes that we cannot see imagine piling any more transformation onto our plate.
When people have many choices to make and are already mostly overworked, a certain paralysis sets in. We may have a certain intention but because transformation becomes a program, we run the other way.
The other side of this is that we are so caught up with innovation and progress that we don’t stop to look at the bigger picture.
But what if innovation is not only about the next big? New is not always better. And re-imagining is not where we are headed in the new world. When we trek into the unknown, we let go and simply imagine—no ‘re’ required.
Th opportunity in front of us is to first think about what is it we really need? It’s not about separating ourselves from others and re-imagining for them. That’s way too easy. The magic happens when we do our own work, explore and see the needs we have.
It’s Time for Human-to-Human Experiences
In the future, companies will shift to imagining how to create experiences—not products and services—and have a way to constantly evolve based on needs and conditions. The metrics, therefore, will need to change and adapt.
While currently, branding is about how we are different or unique, in the future we will focus on how are we connected and whole. Because when we design experiences, we must think differently.
It will no longer be about the market being inefficient and lacking but a fresh breath on what’s possible. We will no longer have the ancient mindset that there is an enemy to conquer or destroy to win.
We will no longer need to force competitors to do anything when we change the fabric of understanding we have one planet and innovation is our ability to join forces.
For humans and companies, our legacy systems keep us stuck. It’s a question of either, ‘that’s how we’ve always done things’ or “I invested 20+ years in this way of living or working.”
Transformation As A Natural Way of Being
This is what separates the organizations and humans that are leading the way to a sustainable future.
Collaboration and unity are no longer a nice to have. Crushing the competition is no longer the mantra when we understand that our daughter’s best friend’s mother is our competition and has needs like us.
The mantras of being disruptors and first movers will not be as significant when we truly transform and align with our own purpose.
This is where the biggest opportunity lies for organizations ready to thrive in the new emerging world where change is part of the natural flow of life.