Being Human Means Feeling into Everything
You are enough and 2022 may be calling you to embrace this unique time in our history to not only shine your light but connect with your true self and those creating a healthy new world filled with hope and possibilities. We no longer need to accept or conform to the institutions of suffering that we inherited or supported until now, as we know in our hearts that there is another way.
There is a cycle of life and death that we are all part of. One year ends and another begins. Death and regeneration are simply a fact of life, a fact to be embraced and not necessarily feared. In nature, we plant seeds, we water, we nurture, and finally, we harvest. And then we plant again.
When we don’t flow with the rhythms of nature, we will not have food to eat. It is amazing that we often falsely believe that big business is somehow exempt from the laws of nature—with its unnatural growth and measures of productivity and efficiency—as if existing outside of the universe in its own protected sphere. But that is a delusional view; we are all a part of nature, and we cannot escape that fact.
For many people, taking a holistic approach is challenging because it forces us to examine long-held (and often unconscious) beliefs. For example, we are used to finding a single right answer and a short-term solution to address very complex problems. Being human means seeing opportunities that take into account perspectives that show you a broader spectrum of the possibilities at your disposal.
As one year draws to an end and a fresh one opens in possibilities, filled with curiosity and courage, what are you walking away from, and what are you walking towards? How will you trust yourself, honor yourself and connect with the people who are ready to unleash what is possible?
The Magic of Being Human
Being truly human can be the hardest, and most rewarding, job we gift ourselves. Life is not a trek up a mountain. Life is about integration and being a whole person tapped into possibilities. And when we self-actualize, we are able to have a very different experience when collaborating and co-creating. When we become conscious leaders of our lives (and organizations), not only is our own purpose and North Star sparking us but we connect with other vibrant, heart-centered people walking the same path of creation.
This is where the magic begins because in this space, there’s an opportunity to create in flow. When everyone understands what we are creating, there is no hurt or conflict, as we don’t take anything personally when it’s about the greater good. And yet, it’s an opportunity to learn more about ourselves and unlearn.
When you are creating something new, you will find yourself trekking into the unknown, facing a blank canvass of opportunity. You no longer worry about appearing stupid or needing to be liked because you are pioneering and birthing something new. This requires experimentation as you will fall down many times until you find the balance and tap into the flow. This is a key piece of innovation that gets ignored in today’s world and has no room where we are headed. When you no longer need to be right or choose to invest your energy in feeling offended, so much opens up.
So much shifts when we become aware that we are not here to be liked—that is the old world that keeps us trapped—and there is a much healthier way forward.
Letting go of restrictive systems, stories and beliefs can be a struggle, as we still feel the need to manage change and have control over the direction we are headed. But deep change, the sort that is needed today, is not easily controlled or managed. You cannot control or manage a huge wave when you are surfing on the ocean—you have to ride the wave and go with its flow.
When you trust yourself, you can trust that the people you are choosing to create with are trustworthy. Instead of bringing old stories, you let your vulnerability and authenticity ignite what you are really sensing in your co-creations. This is at the heart of true collaboration and why wholeness is so important as we move forward.
Some Insights to Consider for 2022
And please always add your own, and make it your own. There’s no outside yourself that charts your path.
In 2022, it is increasingly important to make every choice, decision and reaction out of strength, out of truth, and out of heart in alignment with a healthy mind. When we stand in our power, we’re no longer feeding unhealthy systems. We don’t feed the fears around us as we detach from them at our own pace, and connect with our opportunities.
We need to be aware. Be the observer, and learn what it feels like when we thrive. These are testing times for all of us and we can begin to take greater responsibility for our own situation and how we choose to show up in the world.
January 2022: Reflect on what your heart is whispering to you and see if you are ready to tap into your internal guidance. There is a sensor within your heart where you know what is healthy and what is not. Can you see the choices that are being presented to you from the small ones to more significant ones? Are you aware of your ability to transform problems and challenges into possibilities and opportunities? Become aware of what you are questioning and allow yourself to explore and trek into the unknown.
February 2022: What is calling you and what is getting your attention? You will experience or encounter a wave of opportunity that has been patiently waiting for you to see it. As you sense what’s possible, you flow into it. Although it may seem impossible, opportunities are all around you and it’s a time to become conscious and aware of all the choices you have and ask healthy questions. It’s a time to imagine one small area that you’ve always wanted to explore. You get to decide and discern.
March 2022: When you become more conscious and start making choices about who and what is healthy for your well-being, and who and what is not, you may feel confused as the veil of reality is lifted. You will no longer be able to mask who you really are and start becoming aware of the root of your beliefs and way of life. Understanding where your judgement and beliefs stem from is key. Be open to the messages that are coming through and know you are not alone. Reach out when you need. You have so many choices you can make.
April 2022: This is a pivotal time in our history. We will see much transpiring in our external world as more people step into our power and start making healthy choices. If you are part of the growing seven percent of the 8 billion people on the planet, you will begin to find others who are creating healthy lives and systems. Your awareness of the choices that are available to you will be more apparent and you will live in humility and joy, not fear. No longer only struggling or surviving but finding your way into the unknown. While the news of the world will be deafening, you will be able to navigate these times with renewed hope and boldness as a conscious leader of the emerging world.
May 2022: Spring is a great time to water and nourish the seeds we plant in our garden. As you let go of the heavy burdens you have been carrying everywhere you go, your load will lighten. You feel lighter and less constrained. You don’t let the fear of the world rule you when you turn down the volume of the noise. You might be knocked off your feet once or twice, but when you stand again, you will be more rooted and stronger. Being present will take on an interesting way of living that will allow you to connect more deeply with yourself and those around you who share your purpose.
June and July 2022: You no longer carry your hurt and wounds everywhere you go. What if you can channel your anger or disappointments and transform them into creativity? This is a time of creation calling you to a new adventure that you’ve always imagined being part of but never explored. It was always a dream on your vision board that you hoped one day would become real. And here you are, armed with self-confidence, the only one who can make it a reality by taking the first steps.
August 2022: This is a time to remember to play and find your own stillness and balance. Can you reflect on the choices that you have made, and the ones that are still waiting for you? How have you practiced discernment–what have you learned that works and what hasn’t? What are you now aware of that delights you?
September 2022: It is natural to find reasons to doubt yourself but please don’t fall into this trap. This month brings is an opportunity to question and assess where you are and dig deeper into your needs. When you face a turning point, you sometimes need to build your own bridges when they don’t exist and find ways to trust the currents. Lessons will keep appearing until we break patterns and embrace the whispers of our heart.
October 2022: Don’t be afraid to confront any fears and skeletons that may be hiding in the closet. Some believe it’s time to have the strength and courage to step into the darkness—whether it’s the inhumanity of the world, traumas, disappointments, heartbreaks, past mistakes, loss, hurt—get to the root cause and release.And others believe being present will stop the hauntings of the darkness. You are the only one who can choose whether to continue fighting for your life within the old systems or create what you need—be it in mental health, alternative therapies, food security, healing the land, connecting with nature or the next wave of education, fashion, governance, business, finance, travel, media, film, music, or things we have yet to dream up. The strength you gain and the knowledge you receive of who you are, when you make conscious choices, is freeing.
November and December 2022: As challenging times may now be behind you, you further define your choices, trusting in yourself. But when you stop accepting the status quo as a way of life, it can get lonely, and it’s challenging to find others on the path. You often want to connect with fellow creators, but there’s nowhere to find us and have meaningful conversations to explore what’s possible.
2023—The Year of Personal Accountability: If you’ve come this far on your journey, you know that by now, you have an incredible source of knowledge inside of you. When you become aware that there is a natural abundance on our planet, you do the work to free yourself from the mental prison of fear. You are here to experience life at your individual pace. And as you listen to your own heartbeat, you may realize that awareness is no longer enough—it must come with action and personal accountability—and that is what 2023 is calling us to embrace!
Remember: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present. Are you ready to welcome 2022 with an open heart knowing that you are here to experience a quantum leap in consciousness?