Natural Flux
When we are in natural flux, we are the only ones who can make healthy shifts in our lives. We expect the unexpected. Not much shocks us anymore as we learn to flow with uncertainty.
This December helps us see, when we’re ready, where we actually want to be. We can see that unresolved chaotic situations or relationships don’t need to come with us.
We can anchor ourselves in the Earth and strengthen our immune system and bodies. The calmness we may seek is waiting deep inside of us to get in touch with our power, inner strength and natural flux. We can create from within whatever wants to emerge. And flow with the currents when we trust ourselves.
We are becoming aware that we can stop focusing on fixing, saving or tearing down broken systems, relationships and people. Instead we begin to direct our energy to imagining and creating. Using our imagination and vision to power a healthy life by expanding our sense of what’s possible.
Just as chaos and problems are available to each of us, so is joy, calmness, love, appreciation, peace and grace. We create at every moment, we step into our power. And with other heart-centered people, we can build powerful creations in the emerging world. We are at the top of breaking free.
Living in Flux
What if 2023 is the year of relevance where we are healthy, peaceful and live in natural abundance of flow and ease in every corner of our lives? Can we invest in ourselves this December by simplifying and making conscious choices? No longer dancing to anyone else’s drum beat by tapping into our own?
A healthy tree appreciates natural flux and will always find a way to birth new fruit despite the hardships it faces. We now begin the journey to March 2023 when our choices and discernment predict the quality of our life. The rest is yet to be imagined. And the key is to begin.