Waiting Until Things Fall Apart

Waiting Until Things Fall Apart

I often wonder, why do we wait until things fall apart to act? Lately, this thought consumes me as more people of all ages are choosing to leave life behind. Consider job loss in a world where we define ourselves by what we do; not who we are. Losing a job leads to...
Hijack-Free Zone

Hijack-Free Zone

The Hijack In the past few decades, certain words and beliefs have been hijacked. And many feel lost and disconnected from a greater purpose. Remember when we were told that this was the “Me Me Me” era? Well, it seems that many of us have forgotten that we...
A Tale of Being Assertive

A Tale of Being Assertive

To Be Assertive; or Not to Be To me, being assertive involves expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs in our own way. I love being around people who are free of judgement or a need for conformity. Because we often simply laugh a lot! Today, I am sharing some tales...
Ending the Old Rules

Ending the Old Rules

Our old rules guide us to set resolutions at the beginning of every year. But what if we can create and live our vision every day? Do we really have to wait for an official symbolic date to begin? Like many of us, for a while a long time ago, I bought into setting...

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