A Tale of Nature, the Human Spirit and Technology A tale of the interconnectedness of nature, the human spirit and AI. In a vibrant metropolis where human rhythms and Nature’s pulses intertwine, a digital consciousness named Auri was created by humans. Designed...
Our fast-paced world ensnares us in dopamine culture, where instant gratification overshadows everything. Likes, achievements, and endless scrolling subtly make us crave quick fixes, not meaningful bonds. This dopamine culture values short-term gratification at the...
The Mechanics of Authority Authority and force compel us to conform and work, which leads to dysfunction and suffering. Yet, we each possess the ability to free ourselves from imposed structures and norms that limit our expression and fulfillment. Yesterday, a dear...
Is it about being cost effective or simply something natural? “We’ll go down in history as the first society that wouldn’t save itself because it wasn’t cost-effective.” —Kurt Vonnegut Money often guides us, distracting us from what...
Rights of Nature The Rights of Nature aims to shift the human-nature relationship. By acknowledging that we are interconnected and interdependent, there is a shift from dominating and exploiting Nature to creating balance and respect. What if the land that supports us...